Epoca bikes

Amit's R50

Amit Bhowmick 19/01/2015

It was the first time I got to ride the Epoca on a major sportive (140km) in Wales (Velothon). This was a closed road event and a good opportunity to test my bike handling skills without having to worry about being hit by faster moving vehicles. I have cycled in similar terrain before EPOCA and felt a distinct difference in behavior of the bike while cornering at high speeds. As the ride progressed, I found myself pushing the limits of what I am capable of on descents. I also noticed that I did not get the feeling of loosing my front wheel when the road conditions were less than ideal.

In other words, the balance was perfect enough to enable me to push harder. The climbs was pretty steep and did challenge my legs, but the frame did not seem to flex even when I pedalled off the saddle. In short, I am pleased to say that I have achieved a personal best having ranked among the top 20% of the 7775 male riders who rode. When I compare this to my previous sportives in similar terrain, the result brings a smile and a great sense of achievement. Thanks to EPOCA.... Italy, here I come :-)

Regards Amit

Amit's R50

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